Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Bouncin' Good Time

A dear friend of mine invited the kids and I to a night at Bouncin Kidz. Who would of thought to create a play area full to the brim with inflatable jumpy things. After paying, we were instructed to go into 'Area A'. When we opened the door and entered inside, the eyes of my five year old were bulging out of their eye sockets. He was hooked.

However, when he actually got in front of the inflatable slide, he was overwhelmed by the vastness of it and decided to sit with the talking mothers. He didn't stay for long. The pull was just to great to resist. He found an inflatable ball about the size he is and enjoyed playing with that for quite some time.

Finally, between his older brother and sister, he was persuaded to give the jumpy things a try. I only saw him briefly after that, his face rosy red and his hair wet from running from one inflatable to another. To add to their fun, 'Arena B' which is connected to 'Arena A' was opened up also. What is more fun than one room full of jumpy things?? Two rooms of jumpy things!

My most favorite part of the evening was not only talking with my friend but the moment she decided to join the kids at the top of the slide and let out a squeal as she slide down the slide. All I have to say is.....Mom's Night Out???? I'm joking of course, I don't think I could give up my coffee but it would be an absolute scream to see certain somebodies giggling hysterically while they slid down the slide or bounced in the moon bounce. It really would be something to see and to blog about **snicker, snicker** !


momwithbrownies said...

We've been there and guess what...
I did it!! I laughed so hard I started coughing and couldn't stop! LOL

Now to get you on there! :-)

Binarypc said...

She does need to get on there... I'll help encourage next time!