Friday, December 15, 2006

A Big Pink Bunny That Loves To Beat A Drum...


Me laying on a couch with a big fluffy pillow but no blanket because that would just make me go to sleep.

You all sitting in the opposite chair with your pencil in hand and a pad of paper.

We Begin:

Hello, my name is major over-commitment, I have a problem.

So maybe I have some issues I need to come to terms with. I admit it! I've done it again! What, you may ask, is it that I have done again? The answer: I've over-committed myself once again.

Let me just give you a glimpse of this past weekend:

Shop for gifts that need to be delivered to church on Friday
Make food items which includes one quick bread item, one candy item and cookies for Christmas bags that my mother needs for Friday
Go to store to get items to make for said bags
Bowling teen night for our oldest

Leadership meeting for a Bible study I co-lead
Shop for items that I forgot to get at the store due to previous 'missing child' trauma
Drop off gifts at church
Parent Night Out at Greenfield Village

Make 15 pounds of southern green beans for outreach at a church in Detroit
Make kid-friendly dessert for Christmas party this evening
Take oldest child to a sleep over
Wrap gifts for Christmas party this evening
Go to Party

Drop off green beans that I made on Saturday
Possibly help serve meal at a church in Detroit depending on my husband's work schedule
Go back to the grocery store

The problem is this: I love to do all these things. When I agree to do something, it really is in my heart to do. So perhaps the real problem is that I need a super cape to accomplish all that my heart wants to do and an energizer super charged battery to keep my body moving forward. I had a friend recently tell me this. Ok, dear friend of mine, you do realize that you did just have a baby. I had to think that one over. I guess I did (even though she is 7 months old now). I haven't really stopped to consider that doh, maybe I should take a few moments to breathe.

And maybe just maybe, I should practice the word, No! But what do you say no to when everything sounds like something workable and fun. How do you determine what is highest on the list of importance? And of course, everything seems to always fall on the same day. And let's not forget I do have five children that 'neeeeed' me as my three year says.

Deep sigh.

I've come to this conclusion. Every one of those items on my calendar are of importance for one reason or another. Some of the stuff on my calendar is simply things that I want to do and then there are other things on there that the rest of my family deem important. And somewhere in there is the balance. As you are taking notes, I ask that you write this down and remind me next year when you see my calendar, that back in December I vowed to not over commit myself all in one weekend. That it needs to be spread out a bit more over time....and of course, as the baby allows!


HISchild said...

You mean I'm not the only one!!! . . . just add that my girls have a virul infection and you have my life.

momwithbrownies said...

This is my prescription dear friend.

-Personal relationship with God first.

-Immediate family second.(husband & children)

-Everything else last...

-Practicing the words "I'm sorry I won't be able to come as I've got plans" in the mirror.

Note: Nobody needs to know that your plans are to pray and be a wife and mother to the blessings God has given to you. :-)

Dr. Shelly Off Duty now.

Oh yeah, and when I need you nothing that I've said counts. LOL

Peanut Butter Kisses said...

I am so glad to know that I am not the only one that suffers from this!

Dear Dr. Shelly,

Thank you for your prescription. Sometimes we need each other to remind us to keep life in perspective/balance and of course, you know, I'm there for you, girl! (Even if it's to vent about water heaters and sheds :-) )