It's been a long two months of waiting and waiting but Grace was a trooper!
Three walls in her room are painted with pink pearl and the main wall is painted with pink eraser. The main wall also has a faux finish making it look shimmery.....just the way she likes everything. It is definitely full of girl power.

Kara has also taken a liking too it and thinks she should be in there all the time. I didn't even have to mention to her that it was the 'girl' room. It's quite the popular hangout. The brothers are already helping themselves to the world of pink and don't seem to be the least bit bothered by so much pink.
Unfortunately, Kara's crib didn't fit in there with the queen-size bed and long dresser so we are going to have to look into a different scenario for sleeping whether it be bunk beds or something else. It looks like Grace will get her wish for now......Kara stays in her parents room but her toys and clothes are going in the pink room!
We are so thankful for all the work our friends volunteered to get the room in order. I'm also excited that my girls have their own room to enjoy and I think they are too!
Now for the hard part.....getting rid of some stuff. We are going to need your prayers (or should I say 'I' am going to need them) because a certain someone inherited the 'pack rat' gene thinking she just might 'need that' for something someday....
It looks beautiful.
Bunk bed are a wonderful thing. We're keen on them ourselves. :-)
Hey Aunt Heather.
I miss you a bunch and tell grace that i think her room looks great but i definatly think bunk beds are some of the best things ever invented.
I third the motion. Bunk beds are a wonderful thing!
Looks great!
Grace's room is very pretty!
I would like to visit her sometime.
Kara is very cute!!
I do not like bunk beds.....at all
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