Friday, February 01, 2008

The Book Meme

I've been tagged once again and since I've been known to procrastinate until I forget, I thought I'd get this one posted before the thought leaves my brain never to be found again. And for those who have tagged me in the past and I did not comply....please forgive me!! I had ever intention to do so until some crisis took me away. Perhaps I am lost at sea??!

Anyway, here's the rules:

Book Meme Rules
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

The book that I found closest to me that was not underneath all my piles on my desk was this:

"Your Road Map For Success" by John C. Maxwell.

Page 123:

(It's a chapter on facing your fears)

The husband was sound asleep until his wife jabbed him in the ribs, saying, Burt, wake up. I hear a burglar downstairs. Burt, wake up!

Okay, okay, said Burt as he sat up on the edge of his bed and searched for his slippers for what seemed like the ten-thousandth time. I'm up. He grabbed his robe and stumbled groggily out into the hall and down the stairs.

When he reached the bottom step, he found himself staring into the barrel of a gun. Hold it right there, buddy, a voice said firmly from behind a ski mask. Show me where your valuables are.

Burt did. When the burglar had his bag full and was getting ready to leave, Burt said, Wait. Before you go, could you go up and meet my wife? She's been expecting you every night for more than thirty years.

I don't think I know any other bloggers that haven't been tagged already. So if you are one of my fans who don't blog, maybe you could share yours in my comments. I'd love to read them.

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