Friday, October 20, 2006

The atmospheric Pressures Must Have Collided!

I was sitting at the dinner table this evening eating one of my ten most unfavorable meals when I suddenly realized that there must have been an atmospheric pressure collision this past week. As I am taking a bite of my food, I look over and notice right before my very eyes that Ryan is eating baked beans. He announces that Dad is right, they do taste a bit like candy. I suddenly had to check myself to see if I was actually awake and to check also to see if I had brought the right kid home from Bible study today. Then I thought, do I really know this child that claims he likes me alot? Hmmmmm....I wonder.

Then, as we are still sitting around the table trying to eat this lovely meal, I hear Aaron's exuberant voice yelling out his alphabet letters. The same letters I have been so desperately trying to get our five year old to learn and grab hold of with as much enthusiasm. I decided this week that perhaps I was trying to teach the wrong child. Perhaps I should begin Kindergarten with my two year old and let my five year old play. Will Ryan's blood ever 'feel' like learning? Hmmmm.....I wonder.

Then, as I was talking with my husband, our conversation was the final indication that there had indeed been an explosion in the atmosphere. He informed me that Sweetest Day was tomorrow. I about fell over from the overwhelming disturbance in the air. I, the one who doesn't usually forget birthdays (except for this year - please forgive me if you have been one of them currently) or holidays and most definitely does not forget Sweetest Day did not realize that tomorrow was the day.

I now am eating a sandwich which contains all the soapbox preaching I've been doing about how it's a day to remind your spouse how much you appreciate him/her. How it shouldn't really matter that it was just another day for Hallmark to make some more money by picking a day out of it's hat. I usually have a card handy and a dinner date planned with my true love. But not this didn't even occur to me that this was even the right month for that. What will this do to my reputation of remembering special days? Will people including my dear husband still think, "ask Heather, she'll know" Hmmmmm.....I wonder.

1 comment:

momwithbrownies said...

It sounds like Aaron is ready to roll! Isn't that exciting? :-)

I'm wondering what Ryan's learning style is? Maybe Spiderman teaching the letters? LOL

Or You could always bribe him with a spiderman video, book or stickers if he does his work.

That's just me though. I like bribery. I use Caesarland tokens! LOL