Sunday, October 29, 2006

Fright In The Night

It all began in the wee hours of the morning.....

The frost was covering the grass and the crickets were shivering. The darkness was still all around. It's that time of day when quiet covers the earth.....the time before the sun comes up and the children come bouncing out of their bed....well at least for most children.

As we lay all snug in our beds resting our tired little heads, Bob and I are suddenly jolted out of bed by the hysterical cries of our two year old and the rest of the children yelling, "Mom, Dad, something is wrong with Aaron." First of all, let me interject here that I hate (empathize the word..underline, bold print and make it blink off and on) being woke up out of a dead sleep with the feeling of terror. In my mind, that does not set well in the pit of my stomach nor do I wish to start the day off on that foot.

In the process of jumping out of bed, Bob tripping on the blankets that were wound around him and me fumbling for my glasses so I could actually see, then the sliding down the stairs because your feet haven't quite hit the floor yet to find out where the screams were coming from, kept hearing this sizzle. My mind was in this place of you know when you first get up but your mind hasn't grasped hold of where you are yet...let alone, trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong. I kept thinking, "should I grab Kara in case we need to exit the house on a run due to a fire?" Or is it water running and we are going to find a flood in the downstairs livingroom. I just kept praying that Aaron would be ok.

The time between getting up and getting to him seemed forever. As we hit the bottom stairs, the realization of what was wrong hit and seeing the most upset little boy you ever did see and the fact that he was indeed ok sent a relief flooding through my soul. He apparently got up and wanted to watch tv. In trying to get it turned on, the fuzz of the tv came on in stereo on major loud and that freaked him out. So instead of coming and getting one of us, he just stood their paralyzed from the fear of not knowing what was going on and perhaps the great disappointment that the DVD he had placed in the Xbox instead of the DVD player wasn't coming on.

Bob and I were so relieved that the house wasn't burning down, that there was no flood and our sweet little boy was so ok. Bob's only response besides cuddling our very upset child was that he was sleeping on the couch tonight.

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