Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Delightful Opportunity

A couple weeks before Thanksgiving, my darling husband got a grand idea. He wanted 'us' to prepare a Thanksgiving meal for someone and share our family love with them. My first response was very upbeat and positive. We love to bless people and this is just another way to do that.

As I started thinking about it, my insecurities began to overcome this wonderful opportunity. I thought that nobody was going to want to come to my home and spend an evening with people they didn't even know. Where would we even find such a family? Everyone I knew already had plans. What will we ever talk about? Will Kara even allow me the time to make a feast for our guests? Just how will this all work out? I began to pray that God would bring the right family to our doorstep.

My husband informed me that he wanted to send an email to our pastor to see if he knew anyone. I was thinking that we probably wouldn't hear from him because he probably didn't know anyone that was needing that as we as a church already gave out Thanksgiving baskets or perhaps he might just think this was a silly idea. But low and behold, we got an email from a lady in our church who knew of someone that would be perfect for just that very blessing.

I was excited and nervous. We had a name....I only needed to call her to make all the arrangements. The time and date were set and my menu was planned. Upon arrival of her and her little ones, my children ran out the door to greet them. (Never say that homeschoolers are shy and unsociable) What a warm welcome she received! The evening went well, the kids got along well and we had a lovely time getting to know each other.

As the night came to a close, a comment was made about how lonely it can be to be a single Mom and that she prayed that very thing a couple weeks before. After she had left and I was cleaning up, it hit me then. What if I would have given in to my insecurities and not allowed God to use us to minister to this family. I am sure He would have found someone else to use but we would have missed out on the blessing it was to share what we have with them.

I am so glad that we acted on what God was laying on my husband's heart. In the process of trying to bless someone else, I do believe we were the ones receiving the blessing. I challenge you to act on what God is laying on your heart.....a delightful opportunity awaits you!

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