Saturday, June 02, 2007

It's Moving Day!

I previously mentioned in one of my previous blogs how we had to move in with my Mother after losing everything just after Brad was born. It was July fourth weekend of 1995. We eventually got back on our feet and bought a house. However, my Mom at that time, didn't have the financing to stay on her own. So she moved with us and we've been together ever since...12 years later.

Recently, a senior living complex came to our attention. I called to make an appointment for a tour and my Mom immediately decided she like the place. She filled out all the paperwork and had to wait for them to check all the information out. In the meantime, the plan is to give Grace and Kara Grandma's old room. Grace was thrilled. She hasn't wasted any time measuring and planning on how she wants to decorate. She just let's Grandma sit in her recliner while she get's the tape measure and makes all her mental notes. Then she hits the internet to see what Target has available that fits her fashion plan (but not her parent's

God, once again, is revealing himself to our daughter and to us. She needed a new bed really bad and a dresser since we are in dresser shortage here. The room needs new paint and carpet. I figured that it was something that was just going to have to wait. But to our amazement, we were given a bedroom set which includes not only one dresser but two along with a queen size bed. Then we got a call that someone wanted to give us their carpet that was being pulled up and guess what color it is???? PINK! Grace's most favorite color! The carpet is in great shape. All we need to purchase is the padding to go underneath it. And we've had several offers from friends of ours, to come and paint the room just how Grace would like it and put the carpet in for us. (It's a good thing Kara likes pink too!) My only concern for the room, is that it won't remind me of pepto-bismol when it's all finished. However, it IS a huge reminder that God does care about the little things and He loves to bless his children.

Which brings me to today....It's Moving Day! I didn't realize how much stuff my Mother had squirreled away in her little room. We've taken several loads over to her new place and it still looks like there is much, much more to go. I hope it all fits!

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