Friday, January 18, 2008

The Night Roamer Strikes Again....

We have our very own superhero (villain?). He only strikes during the night when you are sound asleep. When all is dark and everyone is next to unconscious, that is when it happens. He grabs my face to see if I'm listening to him and often in the distance I can hear him playing with the matchbox cars or whatever toy strikes his fancy.....either that or it's all a bad dream. Children not sleeping through the night can be nightmarish.

Sometimes, he decides he 'needs' to watch his show which has been difficult in the past due to the Noggin channel singing it's goodbye song every night at 6:00 p.m. But we recently got a wonderful surprise for our little superhero....the Noggin channel is now on 24 hours a day, giving us the option to finally watch Diego or the Backyardigans in the dark of night.

On this particular night, the night roamer decided to explore what was on my dresser. He came across quite a find. One that he knows is simply off limits. As his curious little fingers came across this particular item, he threw caution to the wind, grabbed them and ran back to his own room to examine this special treasure without getting caught red-handed.

The morning sun peeked through my blinds letting me know it was time to rise and shine. Upon putting my feet on the floor and shuffling over to my dresser to get my glasses that I really need in order to see, I found them missing. I thought to myself in a sing-songy kind of way, oh Mr. night roamer, you have struck again and your opponent is going to send you to the moon. But then I thought, I'd better hold my irritation in because if he knows I'm upset, he'll never tell me where they are.

After sending out the search party and nothing was coming back that resembled my glasses, I asked him just where he might have put them. He kept showing me lego after lego to which he claimed he put my glasses right by and they were there just a minute ago. I think one calls this a wild goose chase.

Finally, after everyone had pretty much given up and I had pulled my awful, out-of-date glasses that I had from many years ago, I sat on his bedroom floor next to his car garage. When I sat down, I accidentally tipped it over. Out came my glasses. I was so very relieved! Relieved...that I didn't have to choke the boy (oh, I mean Mr. night roamer), relieved....that I didn't have to go out in public with those awful glasses from the past that scream that I look like a dork, relieved....that I didn't have to come up with the money to get a new pair.

Beware of Mr. Night Roamer....who knows what his curious little fingers will find next.


HISchild said...

I'm not sure that Mr. Night Roamer would have survived at our house! I can't see anything without mine either!

Glad they were intact!


Anonymous said...

I have saw the night roamer before but I tell you he is very hard to find. :-)